Everyone loves a bathroom makeover, but what if you need help figuring out where to start? Well, we've got you covered!
Is your shower product storage a mess? Are you constantly running out of shampoo or soap because all the bottles clog up the drain, making it hard to clean? Here's a super simple, affordable hack to improve your shower storage.
People were impressed by this idea (even if it doesn't keep your shower buddies from using your personal care products). "If they are anything like my brothers and I, the only way to keep things truly for each kid is to give them a caddy they keep in their room 😂." @E.B. Teall
Another person couldn't wait tor try this hack out. "Where did you get the stuff from? I need this. 3 girls and guests LOL." @vee
The tension rod and shower caddies create the perfect storage solution for shower necessities. And if you have multiple products that need to be hung up in your shower (for multiple people or different product types), this setup will accommodate them without taking up any floor space.
To create this setup, all you need are some basic materials:
We hope this little hack has given you some ideas for keeping your shower organized and clutter-free! If you're looking for more ways to organize, check out our post on organizing the bathroom.