Square Enix has announced a brand-new NFT collectible art project called Symbiogenesis. It is designed for WEb3 fans and will release in Spring 2023 alongside a free browser service.
"Symbiogenesis is brand-new entertainment content set in a self-contained world where a wide cast of characters symbiosis, all of which can be collected as digital art; an interactive story and a dedicated community," reads the press release from Square Enix.
"The art can be used for social media profile pictures (PFP) and as a character in a story that takes place in an alternate world where the player can ’untangle’ a mystery by completing missions that revolve around questions of the monopolization and distribution of resources. With each strategic move players make, more of the story unfolds."
NFT Collectible Art Project SYMBIOGENESIS Untangle the Story Spring 2023#SYMBIOGENESIS #symgeNFT #NFT #NFTProjects pic.twitter.com/Kk1JvMdQx4
A life-long and avid gamer, William D'Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012 and taking over the hardware estimates in 2017. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel. You can contact the author on Twitter @TrunksWD.
I’ll never understand the rage against a product that people are under no obligation to buy. I chalk it up to cultural differences.
I think the outrage is against businesses essentially trying to participate in what most people see as a scam. It's preying on fomo to sell things to people to try to make a quick buck. Then they people who were fooled into buying them (so the buyer takes some of the blame) is left with something worthless. It's basically public outcry to pressure companies into reversing their policies. If there aren't any complaints, companies will continue to sell nfts. But arguably, it doesn't matter what people say as long as there isn't any financial impact. So I kind of see your point. But everyone is entitled to express their complaints/feelings just as much as anyone is entitled to buy nfts.
In other words, they’re defenders of the hypothetically naive. You see, I didn’t know that. Otherwise I’d have applauded the saintly bravery in their moral crusade! :D I’m not a big social media guy (far too cynical and pessimistic for my tastes), so the point of cancel/virtue signal culture is often lost on me.
Congratulations, it's a piece of shit.
NFTs? More like No Fucking Thanks
Another huge loss for SE, shareholders need to jump in before its to late
Hey Playstation fans .. you can keep this one.
Why buy an NFT, just take a screenshot!
From parasite eve remake or sequel to this pure garbage.
Alot of rumors were thinking this title was going to be some sequel to Parasite Eve with a name like that... if only that were true. Sigh.
Well for those interested in the history of video games we now know exactly where the Parasite in Parasite Eve came from..
We were happy and we didn't know.
This only further cements that NFT’s have no place in gaming. Game executives failed time after time in explaining how this technology would benefit anyone except their wallets. And now SE won’t even make an NFT game to justify its existence lol
Because we all asked for this, didn't we?
Yes, like we asked for Sonic 06. -_-
To be fair, people did ask for a "next generation Sonic". Noone asked for NFT games.
Oh we asked for a new Sonic, we just asked for one that was GOOD.
So when SE said they want to make, "global hit titles" is this what they were talking about? :'(
How is this not an ironic joke. Like where are the serious people who think this is a good plan? People promoted beyond their level of incompetence
I think I want to barf ? ?
Here I hope this implodes, but leave SE alive.
I remember seeing this name mentioned as a new copyrighted thing. "What an odd title for a game" I thought.
I hope it does good and helps square fund big games for sony.
I hope it does bad and their only solution is being bought by Sony.
They won't go bankrupt because of this. Lol
Just how much money do you think they’re sinking into this? :D Final Fantasy tends to be their biggest money drain. Although I tend to prefer Dragon Quest myself. I’d personally be very much against Sony buying Square, and am more in favour of them distancing their relationship. Mostly because Sony would likely cancel all Square Enix projects not on PlayStation consoles. I really like the Switch, and want to see more games on the hybrid device or it’s successor. I want to see Xenogears on Nintendo consoles, or (even better) licensing Xenogears to Monolithsoft for a remake. I’m also a big fan of Dragon Quest games (particularly 1-5), and their remakes/remasters tend to be quite good, and I like many of the older FF games (Tactics, FF6,7,8, and X are among my favourite RPGs of all time) and am still hoping Square ports FF6 and Tactics to Switch.
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