As the warm, humid summer season quickly approaches, Northlanders may be visited by the ever-annoying mosquito while gathering around the barbecue. Photo / File
As the warm, humid summer season quickly approaches, Northlanders may be visited by the ever-annoying mosquito while gathering around the barbecue.
To ensure these pests aren't invited, you can take simple precautions to prevent them from setting up residence in your backyard:
1. Empty all tins, jars, bottles, buckets, plastic bags and other containers that can hold water. Safely overturn anything you have outside that could hold water.
2. Dispose of all old tyres, and drill holes in the bottom of tyre swings.
3. Fill or drain hollows in the ground that could hold water.
4. Cover venting pipes on septic tanks with mosquito-proof covers.
5. Seal or cover rainwater tanks.
6. Keep swimming pools chlorinated, and pumps maintained.
7. Empty and clean pot plant saucers and drip trays.
8. Empty and clean animal drinking water containers.
9. Check gutters and drains are clear of standing water and blockages. Clean them out if they hold standing water.
10. Some pot plants, such as bromeliads, hold water in their leaves – empty the water out at least once a week. A turkey baster or pipette is a good tool for this.
You can fight the bite, day and night. Here are some precautions you can take to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes:
- Mosquitoes are attracted to darker clothing, so cover up by wearing long-sleeved, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing.
- Use a repellent, preferably containing less than 35 per cent diethyltoluamide (DEET). Always read and follow the instructions. Apply repellent after sunscreen.
- Use air conditioning or fans when indoors.
- Insert screens on windows and doors.
- Stay away from areas where mosquitoes are most active or breeding, such as stagnant water.
- Use zip-up screens on tents.
Throughout the year, the National Public Health service through Ngā Tai Ora (Public Health) Te Tai Tokerau undertakes a mosquito surveillance programme spanning all of Northland.
This involves monitoring larval and adult mosquito traps which are set up at strategic positions at ports, airports and around the marine environment adjoining international boat movements; for example, at Marsden Cove Marina, Marsden Point Oil Refinery and log port, Opua Marina and Whangārei Harbour.
If you have problems with unusual mosquito biting activity, please contact either the on-call health protection officer on 09 430 4100, or Debe Anderson on 021 221 4019.
For more information, visit:
Te Whatu Ora - Health NZ share tips on preventing large numbers of mosquitoes this summer.